
Natural cure for Penis enlargement

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Increasing Your Penis. Why Decide to Go Down the Natural Penis Enlargement Route

Increasing Your Penis

Increasing Your Penis

So for many of you out there you have seen all the hype surrounding penis pills, extenders, patches etc. But do you ever see a lot of hype around exercises? Didn't think so, that's because you are focusing on the instant fix phobia, you think that if you go for one of these products then you will some changes very quickly, but that's simply not the case and the reason being is because you need to be very consistent and disciplined when it comes to any form of enhancement. That means following a regular regime that will get you results much faster.

Why do you think they work so well?

They work extremely well for a number of reasons, but the base of this whole solution is that they focus on the problem and work to support that problem, until it is fixed. This means you are increasing the blood flow to the head of the penis and also building up a vacuum of oxygen, therefore triggering growth spurts and more importantly consistent gains that show over time and are permanent. On thing to remember is that you should also replace a few of your dietary foods which are major role players in this whole cycle. I take Zinc and Iron myself so you should look into the same.

Which exercises shall I do?

First and foremost I would go for the Jelq exercise and this works by you making an "A OK" sign with your thumb and forefinger and placing it over the base of the manhood then pulling down in one swift motion, I like to call this the milking routine. You should do this 5 times with each hand for a total of 40 times all round. The second of the two is called the balloon, all you have to do here is cup your penis and squeeze for 15 seconds so that the blood rushes to the head. If you do this for 10 minutes a day as well as the other one, you will see length and girth gains.

Increasing Your Penis
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